Spreadsheet Data

First of all, welcome to the community! :hugs:

Did you mean the lower thirds controlled by an Apple Numbers document? You can use mine. It’s in the style of Achim’s document.

The look of my document:



  1. Add a lower thirds layer to your mimoLive document. You can skip this if you already got one.
  2. Click on the LT-Layer with the right mouse button (or on a particular variant)
  3. Copy API Endpoint to the clipboard
  4. Finally, paste it at the Numbers Document, where you see /api/v1/… (next to “API-CODE”)

Now, you’re ready to go. :blush:

All the best,

Ps: If you want to use this from another Mac, change “mimolive2:/” to http://<ip/hostname>:8989 Instead of ip/hostname use the ip or hostname of the computer in the network. If you use an API-Password-Key, add ?pwSHA256=<API-KEY> to your API-Endpoint.

A call with http:// leads to new browser windows/tabs. “mimolive2:/” as a protocol is only at the same computer than your mimoLive document available.

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