Prototying: MimoLive, Layouts, Designs

When it comes to the question about creating styles, layouts and designs, the majority uses tools like PhotoShop or Gimp. But this might be a more cost effective and efficient way for prototyping. The cool thing, everything is already inside of mimoLive, your Prototype also… :slight_smile: … The plus? Use the created prototype for your show. No extra fiddeling! :slight_smile:

You could use this as a starting point - also instead of the default template.

Download Ruler V2.1 (free):

Since Version 2.1
At the Web Control Surface, you find something like this, so you’re able to do screenshots (or save the image of the PGM by using a right click, choosing “save image as”.

And why is this located at the Automation forum? Well: I use it to copy URLs to change the values of the design for certain pip-window-layers. I just need the “?update=…”-part of the url.

Lots of fun,


Download Ruler V2.0 (free):

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I did an update: Save “Stills” of your Prototype for clients (with the help of WebControl).