Mimocall trouble

do you have the same problem as me with Mimocall, namely: my clients often find it difficult to connect, they sometimes miss audio or video, in a cens as in the other. sometimes forced to relaunch MiMo live to solve the problem …
it cannot be my internet, I am with a fiber at 1gbs up and down

Hi Olivier,

I’m sorry to hear about the mimoCall troubles. We’ve found an issue with the web client which sometimes leads to the issues you describe and working on a fix. However, by reloading the connection on the client side or by resetting the connection to peer in mimoLive, you should be able to get the connection working.

I have tried both the methods you recommend @Oliver_Boinx but it doesnt seem to work. Rebooting MimoLive seems to do the trick though and it reconnects the MimoCall sessions when re-opening. Not ideal if I am honest so I have had to revert to using Skype over NDI.

Hi Oliver, I’ve been having the same issues as you have mentioned, I’ve been adding to the below thread with other users. Like you I have to completely close down Mimo and reopen to establish the connection and then if any drops in connection, I have to do the same thing.

There is a new beta version that addresses some issues with audio and mimoCall:


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