Error in Abonnement

In Einstellungen > Abonnement you geht an error


Thank you very much for using FotoMagico for iPad and for reporting this.

I’ve fixed the data source and it should work again.

But not now. The same error After restarting FotoMagico

It seems, you are working an fotomagico 6.

I have Made a Support call and I got. the answer

Auto Reply: FotoMagico 6 Beta Feedback,
Dear Mr Guhr,
Thank you for your support in testing FotoMagico for iPad.

In the support Form I can choose only iOS 13 beta, …

Liegt es vielleicht daran, dass die Anzahl der Abomodelle von 4 auf 2 reduziert wurden und es deshalb einen Indexfehler gibt? Meine Lizenz müsste die Indexnummer 3 (von 0 gezählt) haben.

Now it works

Hi @ac-vision. Thank you for using Fotomagico and for the feedback. We addressed the issue few days ago. Should you have any further issues, we welcome your feedback :).

Hi @Mladen_Bekavac
I have a not answered question: