A: The “quick and dirty” implementation:
- Add Automation layer (For each situation one variant. Person A, Person B, Person A+B)
- use a code like this at “while Live” (when it should repeate while it is active), if it’ should be done once, at “on Live” in Manual mode:
// wait till the movement finishes and everything is in place
// call the endpoint of the lower thirds:
layerOn(<API-Endopoint of the Lower Third>)
layerOff(<API-Endopoint of the Lower Third>)
Notice: Add layerOn() or layerOff() for all lower thirds Layers which should be seen/not be seen. What if another is currently visible? Yes. We have to switch 'em off in “case”. When they are not visible, nothing else happens.
- Start each particular Automation together with your matching Layer Set
B: The propper implementation:
When I think to the demo-document, I sent you - which is realy complex, because of the different signet positions/behaviours, and because of the split screen, which should show the same lower thirds then elsewhere, but on another position, which should be possible - the gray buttons contain a second action, that let the lower thirds appear together with the original switching process. This connection has to be deleted, to not get in conflict with the new Automation process. An “easy” way does not exist, but a more or less complex way:
Hint: The more participants you have, the more complex this will be, when using Automation together with the used Lower Thirds (which does not support time shifting). So, I’d suggest to use it as rare as possible for only switching in the lower Thirds. Please keep also in mind, that some times, lower thirds do not have the propper timing, even you could show them automatically. If so, there could be some kind of “time line”, which is cycling through some main views in a pattern, when this or that is to see “on time”. Also, an option for “do not show lower thirds while cycling” could be necessary, especially when LTs are not welcome. It’s not funny to read the name, when someone talked bogus, because of being nervous. (I tallked bullshit, and yes, this is my name!) :
This “pattern” could be solved like this
in combination with that: