If I put a border on an image and put this on top of another blurred image which is acting as a background is there anyway I can zoom into the top image without the border also zooming ie the actual image zooms but the border stay the same size.
The fact that there’s a blurred background image doesn’t affect the look or the process, so ignore the background for this discussion.
Try this – first check that the Animation option is “Enabled” for that slide. Now place your image on the stage and give it a border, along with whatever options you want to apply (strength, color, and width). Choose Position > Outside in the drop down list for the border (makes things easier). Now copy that image layer and do a Place on Top. On the new layer, turn the Border option off (uncheck the option box) and apply a Mask (Entire Layer). On the Finish (right side of the stage), zoom your image to however you want it (you need to zoom IN for this to work). You can zoom OUT if you want and get the same thing, but you have to start out with the finished size on the stage with the border applied and make a mask of the entire layer and copy its geometry. On the layer on top, apply the same mask (paste its geometry), but of course now you start with the image zoomed in, and then zoom out until it matches the finished layer size (the layer below it)… When you play the slide, the border will remain from the “lower” layer while the image zooms within the mask on the upper layer.
Hope that helps
Many thanks. So much more complicated than some software I have tried but will give it a go.
I may have written it so that it seems complicated at first, but after doing it a couple of times it becomes easier until you don’t even have to think about it – you just know what to do