
Welcome to the Boinx Forum. This is a place to ask questions, post feature requests, brag about cool use cases and other topics related to Boinx Software products. Please use the appropriate categories (on the right) and behave according to established social standards.

Sweet thanks

Yeah looking forward to see people exchanging their experiences!


This is a great idea! Looking forward to seeing what sort of things people are doing.



Great idea Oliver! Looking forward to participating here.

Hi Rick, great to have you on board!

feels good beeing here :wink: - a lot of crazy creative people around

Hey Oliver, great idea! I’m going to post the forum info on the EBMUG site. Hope you guys come out and visit us again on the Left Coast. Best
Rich Weiss
Publicist & Info Manager

Guess it’s just me. But when I get an email addressed to me by name, I start off thinking it’s personal. So when the email complained of bad behavior in past forums by cretins, I started feeling guilty. I’m a great guy, but sometimes I write on impulse. The email looked good, so I followed the link to here. Was disappointed that I wasn’t pre-signed in as a member. Was disappointed (in continuing fashion) that I don’t know how to use Facebook, etc. But I’m registered, and ready to be entertained. Will there be food?

@unklchuck I hope there will be food for thought, at least. Everything else is hard to squeeze through the pipes.

Glad to see this open… As soon as I can get my head together and sort out my questions, I’m looking forward to finding out a whole more about how Fotomagico Works… yay

Hi folks,

Hope to learn more about Fotomagico 4 through this forum! As yet I’ve only done some feeble tests with the older version!

I think it is high time that you address the concerns of many of your customers who expressed outrage at the high price for upgrading from FM3 to FM4.

How do you start a new thread?

License issue. Does one license allow one to load and use the software on both their private desktop and laptop?

@darcymagratten‌ Yes. We have adopted the App Store licensing model which allows the use of the application on all computers that you use. If more than one person uses a computer, a dedicated license is required for that computer.

So we learnt the basics of Fotomagico 4 where do we go from here, is there more advanved stages we can take it to

hello from Atlanta,GA USA… have any live in atlanta ?

Ready to get going here (I think)! I’m in Western Colorado, USA, and, having switched to Apple in 2004, I was so very pleased to find FotoMagico a few years ago. Had a couple questions that my “poking around the menu” didn’t solve, and Support and Customer Service was really great helping me. Creating my family’s video and digital image slide show/DVD adventures and memories, I want to learn the ins and outs of FotoMagico. Thanks for your time and I shall now go exploring this forum. BTW, this is the first forum to which I have subscribed so here’s yet another learning experience!

I purchased fotomagico 5 pro on 12/27 and have not received a key or link to load software. Have already sent 3 emails to support. Anyone else have this issue when first purchasing products from boinx. They have received payment.