Updated mimoLive — not able to open

Just updated from within the in-app update prompt and getting this error.

Deleted the app and redownloaded from website and still same issue.

Tried downloading older version as well and same issue.

Called your tech support line and reported the issue.

Go to system settings, Security and Privacy, General, Allow

That was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, that’s not an option/fix for this.

@Oliver_Boinx has provided an update:

We have verified that the issue affects versions after mimoLive 6.5. We’re working to fix this.

Please download mimoLive 6.5 here: mimoLive 6.5 | mimoLive®

We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience.

Please manually download the new release 6.8.1 from our website here: Download mimoLive | mimoLive®

After reinstallation, all your projects and data should be present again. Let us know if this works for you!