Test beta Version 6.6b6 (30177)

Hello everybody,
After the problems with sonoma, I tested the beta 6.6 version for the first time during my show. Here are my first returns :

The program is fluid. It is even less resource intensive.
The virtual camera works very well.
All layers worked well. (66 layers stacks)
The management of Zoom meetings is extraordinary. everything is simple and fluid. ( bye bye zoom iso and welcome a studio licence)
the “video carousel” layer is nice but it is anecdotal and difficult to insert into traditional templates

Only bug encountered:
On a layer with 3 zoom video sources, several times I have the signal disappearing on the layer even though I had the image on the source.
The problem appeared several times and on all sources.

Another more annoying bug, the program stopped during the live broadcast after 30 minutes (fortunately I have a second emergency instance open and I just have to launch vimeo output to regain control)
Surprisingly the second instance did not break down despite 2 hours of use

I haven’t figured out everything about the virtual audio card yet.
I didn’t understand his role. Duplicate loopback?

in any case it’s a very nice version and I’m happy to find my favorite software again. THANKS MIMOLIVE !