Symbol Flugzeug bei Reiseroute

Bei der Reiseroute habe habe ich die Möglichkeit, ein Icon auszuwählen. Alle Icon funktionieren, aber beim Flugzeug kommt nichts auf der Route.

Woran kann das liegen?

Viele Grüße

In the itinerary I have the option to select an icon. All icons work, but for the airplane nothing comes up on the route.

What can be the reason for this?

Many greetings

Hi @ac-vision I’ve tried to replicate this and I’m unable to do so. Could you please send me the document that doesn’t work? What MacOS and FotoMagico versions were you using?

oh i’m sorry.

After restarting the computer, the icon for the plane was also recognized again.


MacOS 14.0
Fotomagico 6.5.2

I’m glad to hear that it sorted itself out, even though that even more puzzling.