Start Photo Slideshow without inital fade in transition??

I put together a photo slideshow (without title slides) and it seems like the first slide actually fades in. is there any setting where i can disable the first slide fade in or something i can do to avoid the fade in?

Ideally the slideshow starts with the photo already fully there.


The fade-in that you are currently describing is really of minimal duration as soon as the slideshow starts, is it not (something like less than a second)?

Are you showing this directly from your computer? Or are you burning it to a DVD (or some other output option)?

I came up with a “cheeky” way to solve this, and it may or may not be to your liking – based on showing it off your computer. I guess what I was thinking is, “You’ve gotta start SOMEWHERE!” Assuming you want to start your slideshow, it comes down to what do you want displayed immediately BEFORE your slideshow? That is, just before you start, is the audience looking at your desktop (scattered with files and folders!)? Is it looking at the FotoMagico window? Like I said, you gotta start somewhere.

Try this – insert a blank slide at the very beginning and minimize its duration (2 sec, 1 sec, .2 sec – whatever). Then assign it Continuation: At Mouse Click. Start the slide show and the screen will turn black – okay, it WILL fade in – doh! – but it will stay that way (you can talk to the audience or not). Then click the mouse button and your second slide (the first slide with images) should just pop on screen – no fade in.