I’m pitching a broadcast event for a national rally in October where there will be marches in each capital city and at various regional centres around Australia. The aim is to broadcast the live event from a studio in Adelaide with crosses to reporters in various locations together with prerecorded shorts to profile regions and short messages from public figures from the studio.
I intend to Mimolive to YouTube and use mimocall and Reporter for crosses if it is available. I am a great fan of the platform since early days of BoinxTV and have been using mimolive for streaming with mimocall. I have not attempted anything as ambitious with Reporter since it isn’t yet widely available.
So I am forming a backup plan for reporters using mobiles. I have used Skype before mimocall was available quite successfully. The big challenge was always to do with internet bandwidth until now.
I would like to hear from people who are doing this and ask what advice you have for those of us keen to develop this use for Mimolive. I am particularly interested in people’s experience of using chrome on android, and skype on iPhone. I would happily use Reporter in its current beta, I think it’s brilliant though I know the folks at Boinx are rationing the beta while still in development. Please comment if you have an interest in this conversation.