RTMP stream as a source (ffmpeg)

Helo there

I run on Mimo 6.0b8 (Mac - Intel) … and I am trying to add public RTMP stream as a source to Mimolive, but every time it ends with “Stopped” state.

  • I installed latest ffmpeg and add the destination folder to Mimo
  • I checket the rtmp address in different SW (VLS - runs smoothly)
  • I tried to add and remove the source

Is there any fix? RTMP stream does not even start in Mimolive. Any parameters for the input line for example?



Yes, it’s in beta. But you can find here a dive in into the lines you are looking for:

Hi @Jirik The next beta (mimoLive 6.0b9) will have a vastly improved FFmpeg source.

Hi @Jirik Please try mimoLive 6.0b9!

Hi Oliver…
I can’t play any rtmp streams in Mimolive (6.4)… what command line should I use in the ffmpeg source?

Hi @totoventi I’m sorry about the troubles. A new RTMP ingest implementation is on our to-do list as the ffmpeg can be quite a pain.

I can only point to this documentation: RTMP | mimoLive®

Does that work for you?

Ok, I was able to receive the streams correctly using the syntax -i rtmp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/live/x and enabling “keep active”

Everything works correctly but if I interrupt the stream on the encoder on the transmission device and then restart it, on Mimolive the stream is unable to return to operation. Either it gets stuck or the framerate is very low.
To restore it I have to re-enter the parameters.
However, if I don’t flag “keep active” it clearly won’t start either.

Is there anything I can do?