Review of 5.0b47

O.K. I’m back on track with my new material.
In this new version, I’m again able to insert audio files, which is a good step forward. I created a large slideshow, using a lot of snippets, as well as inserting video’s within the slideshow and arranging the audio using markers, etc …
And all this went very smoothly, no hangs up, crashes or the likes.
What I have not yet retested is the creation and saving of customized snippets. This will be for the next round.
What I did test and did not work perfectly is the export tool. In a number of circumstances the pictures within a slide were not exported. I thought initially that that problem was related when exporting a slide with a snippet, however this appears not to be the case as at a later stage in the slide show, such slides with an embedded snippet came over properly. So I don’t know what is really causing this problem. I think I already mentioned that issue in the past and even sent by mail some screenshots on this issue.
So, all in all, this version ob47, is making a lot of progress.
Great, and happy New Year to the team!

An additional problem exist on the export functionality. If you have a slideshow which includes two audio files, one audio on the foreground the other on the background. In that configuration, the second audio file is not exported! I assume this could be a bug. I did not explore the idea of inserting a voice file and if that file, when combined with an audiofile would result in the same issue.