Random resizing of Placer Layer contents

here’s two video links showing what’s going on:
mimo live  image size in placer layer jumping around on its own
mimo live incoming call from iPhone image size in custom toggling

I’m familiar with seeing this bug in Quartz Composer for years, but I’m on a new system with M1 Mac and QC is not installed (pretty sure at least) and it’s still happening. I’ve seen things jump around between two scales in all sorts of QC things, including custom layers I’ve made and mimoLive layers.

Hi @Alastair1 I only see two images but no video. I don’t understand what’s going on from the images alone.

QC is what is powering mimoLive, so even if you don’t have QC installed, a bug in QC will probably still apply to the layers.

Have you tried the PiP Window layer for what you’re trying to do? Also, how do you get the lower third into the Placer layer?

Sorry about the links not working. I did share file in Adobe Creative Cloud… I’ll try again

The lower third is being mixed in on mimoLive Reporter :wink: Means when I move the placed image around in mimoLive I don’t have to then change the lower third. I guess I could do it in another document and use syphon to get it into the main document though.

it’s the forum software that is taking the link and converting it to an image.

so here is the link

Hi @Alastair1 Thanks. I hope you don’t mind that I made the link clickable.

Will look at this asap.

The lower third is being mixed in on mimoLive Reporter :wink: Means when I move the placed image around in mimoLive I don’t have to then change the lower third. I guess I could do it in another document and use syphon to get it into the main document though.

Ah, ok. Yes, the Syphon way would also work.

Yes good idea making the link a normal anchor tag.

here’s the other video from the layer preview window, same thing happening.

When I said QC not installed on this Mac, I realise QC is at the heart of mimoLive as I’ve produced lots of custom layers back in the BonixTV days especially. I just meant that it’s not all my QC plugins etc that are messing QC up. I’m about to get my old MBP back so I can work in QC on High Sierra or something like that. I think Achim uses a virtual machine doesn’t he?

@Alastair1 What’s happening is that the video coming in on mimoCall from mimoLive Reporter changes resolution due to bandwidth fluctuations.

The PiP Window layer or the SplitScreen layer can deal with this.

If you still want to use the Placer, you can force a constant size using the Scale and Transform filter but that is taking much more processing power than the PiP Window layer.

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Thanks @Oliver_Boinx that’s interesting to hear the explanation. What are the PiP & SplitScreen layers doing that is different? Maybe I can edit the Placer layer in QC to be able to do the same thing but still let me have the full control of Placer?

speaking of which 3D Placer seems to no longer be included in standard mL layers… any reason why?

PiP Window and Splitscreen are fitting the sources themselves. This is not a standard feature for every layer.

I don’t think the 3D Placer ever was part of the standard distribution. Are you thinking of “Source with Distortion” layer?

Source with Distortion isn’t the same thing, as I’m sure you know Oliver, it’s can be used for fake 3D its not actual 3D. Maybe it was part of Bonix TV?

I used placer 3D a fair bit in my own trials and dev stuff. I made a new custom layer with two 3D screens that could go behind each other but I can’t find the files any more (my 2015 MBP laptop SSD just got confirmed as fried beyond easy recover this week and most of my QC dev files were on that, not sure where the backups are :frowning: )

I’m very sorry to hear about the misfortune. There might have been a 3D Placer in BoinxTV but that didn’t make it into mimoLive because we had other plans for the 3D part. Which haven’t come together yet. This is still on the wish list, but takes lower priority than replacing QC.

As we’re working on a QC replacement, would you be interested in that?

yes i’m very interested. and Achim has already sent me a primitive alpha ages ago. very very exciting.

i was a founder of Vuo in the pre-alpha days of Vuo. i moved away from animation and video effects so didn’t stay with it. and i need to learn C to make it do the things i want to do on a regular basis (simple data processing of point clouds or lists or lists etc etc). (lists of lists is still coming to Vuo one day!). there’s still a big hole left by Apple discontinuing support for QC. a great shame they couldn’t fix the security issues by closing down some of the extensibility and keep it going as a video tool.

can’t wait to see a QUARTZ replacement. Hopefully a bit more user friendly.!!! :slight_smile: