Purple video & photos now showing

I started my trial period yesterday, but unfortunately when I imported video footage it showed it… purple and when I imported photos it didn’t showed them at all… They where only visible as thumbnail in the timeline. I run an iMac with MacOS Catalina, but I tried it today in a friends newer iMac and did the same…

Hi @harris_kouts I’m very sorry about the problems you experience.

Could you please send me example videos and images that do show this behaviour? If you do not want to share them publicly, you can send me a direct message here in the forum,

Dear @Oliver_Boinx hi!

Thank you for getting back to me with this.
I have no problem attaching here a photo with this issue publicly, just in case someone else has also came across with this problem.

As you can see in the 1st photo, the selected video file is purple. The same happens if you try to edit the video file. It only has the normal color when you hit play (2nd photo).

Now, the photo files are completely black! I can’t see them, no matter what. In the 3rd photo I have just selected a file and I can’t see the photo in the main edit panel and in the 4th photo I hit play and again nothing is visible! Hopefully you can come up with a solution. Thanks again!