I like the new Background Removal effect now incorporated into FM 6.4, but would it be too much to ask for the ability to EDIT the mask that’s created? There’s no guarantee that feature will work “perfectly” every time, and it would be great to be able to go in there and manually tweak whatever points are being used to form the mask. Of course, Photoshop (or similar) can be used to perform the same thing before the image is imported into FM, but if the feature is going to be built-in, there should be a way to play with it if necessary to get the result the user is aiming for. Is that doable?
Is there any tutorial on this feature?
Go here (Effects - FotoMagico - 6) and scroll to the bottom. There aren’t any options except the Quality selection of “Accurate”, “Balanced”, and “Fast” – and it’s main (or only?) use is to mask out people. I tried playing around with it and found that it could find other objects within an image other than people, but it was a hit or miss situation with no definitive answer as to what kind of objects it recognizes or not.
BTW, on another subject, I transferred nine sample files to you via WeTransfer on March 4 – if you don’t download them soon they will get deleted. Just open the e-mail from WeTransfer and follow the instructions to download those files.
Hi @stantastic Thanks for the feedback and feature request! I agree that it would be nice to be able to edit the mask the Background Removal creates and we’ll look into this.
As is the nature of a “one click” background removal, it is an 80% solution. And it is going to get better over time as the AI behind it is improving.
The “Background Removal” is trained to find people in the foreground of an image and mask them out. Any other objects should be considered “mistakes”. The AI is trained to include things like hats and umbrellas, so it might get confused with other objects from time to time.
I assume, this was directed at @Vilkas ?
Why are you releasing a feature in FotoMagico without any documentation (or instructions) on how to implement that feature. Seems pointless to me!!!
Hi @Vilkas Thanks for the feedback. Since it is a simple switch, I assumed it would be pretty self-explanatory. We will add the documentation in the future.
FANTASTIC … so where is the “simple switch” ? I’ve searched the complete dashboard and can to see any “switch” to remove the background.
I included a link to the “Background Removal” effect mentioned in the on-line user guide in a previous response (see my post in this thread a few days ago). Here’s a screen grab of where it’s located (bottom of the Image > Effects options) – just click the check box to turn it on:
THANK YOU for the explanation
A new tutorial “Compositing with Custom Masks” is now available in FotoMagico 6.
You can find it under Connect → Download Tutorials