M1s and Mimolive problems

I’m new to the forum, I read for an hour and I’m pretty certain much of this has been covered, but just looking to get the facts. I truly apologize if I didn’t do enough forum homework.

I bought a new mac mini m1, out of the box with Big Sur, and ran a show on it yesterday. I did not know the issues with m1s, or the Catalina recommendations, and it did not go well. Graphically, the program outputs ran VERY choppy. The live streaming encoder was basically not functional, and the recording encoder dropped a ton of frames as well. I used mimo for two years before this and did not have problems at this level, so I spent an hour or so thinking I had internet connectivity issues.

It was so bad I ended the show, shut down and restarted the computer. After bootup it ran more smoothly, although it still dropped frames on both sides. I did not run any layers besides the main camera. The activity monitor usually showed over 50% idle, to as much as 70%.

So my question is, how much of this can I attribute to the new chip and Rosetta? I have another show on Saturday, should I be panic buying something else? Should I elaborate on the problems we had?
I love this product, it has done me very well in the past, just want to get back to rock solid. Again, sorry if this has been covered, I appreciate any help!

Hey @nysdrillteams, my apologies for the troubles. mimoLive is not yet supported fully on M1. There are users who report successfully using it, but it is easy to run into issues. I’m using it quite often on an M1 Mac mini with a single cam setup and a few layers feeding into Zoom or streaming to YouTube. It really depends on the type of camera(s), document resolution, framerate and codecs you use. If you want, you can send me your document via DM and I can take a look to see if I can make any specific suggestions.

I feel like a real idiot, I can’t figure out how to start a DM. Can you DM me so I can reply in messages?

@nysdrillteams Just click on Oliver’s user name and select Message. Don’t worry: All of this can be very confusing. :palms_up_together::handshake: