M1 ultra and mac Studio

So, the trashcan mac is back. :joy:

What do you think about it and what do you expect from it?

It seems to be that Apple changed there release cycle to something like this:

phase 1:

  • Mx-SoC, based on Ax-SoC

phase 2:

  • Mx-pro/Mx-max, based on Mx-SoC

phase 3:

  • Mx-ultra, based on Mx-max-SoC
  • (upcoming Mx-ultra (duo = 4xMx-max), based on Mx-max-SoC)

The next upgrade I’ll do when the second generation of 3nm SoCs are available. However, if you want to buy me a full specs mac Studio, please do not hesitate. :slight_smile: