Important stream tomorrow, v5.5 or 5.6b2?

I heard Achim say in the latest blog stream that the latest beta is very stable. Would I be better using this or 5.5 tomorrow — I have an important stream that I can’t have fail (and unfortunately some have in the past so I’m nervous).

Thank you for your trust in mimoLive. I’m using the beta every day to do a live stream to Facebook and YouTube. We’re at episode 48. So far, it didn’t fail once.

If you say, streams have failed in the past, can you be more specific on how that played out? Did mimoLive crash?

Hi Oliver, ok I’ll run the beta then this time. I’ve always sent my crash logs to Achim. Lots of different things over the years, since BonixTV days even! The product is improving out of sight though. The Layer group state addition was something I’d been wanting for years.