I think I found a bug in the FM 6.7 release – oh, no!
While in the Storyboard or Timeline, if I perform a Command-P from anywhere within the slideshow, the “Choose Playback Screen” appears. I’m connected to a 27" BenQ monitor and it becomes my selection of choice, but regardless of which Options are checked (i.e, Play from Beginning or Use Mobile Phone Remote), the slideshow refuses to play when I click on the “Play” button. If I try it one more time, the app crashes!
I then tried the FM 6.7b3 release, and it did the same thing – would NOT play full screen and crashed after the second attempt. I was able to duplicate this numerous times.
I then went back to FM 6.6 and it worked correctly.
I believe something’s buggy here in FM 6.7. Can anyone else duplicate this to confirm? Thanks!
It is working fine on my M1 Mac running OS 15 beta. I too have a BenQ monitor.
(although, I’m on an Intel processor running Sonoma 14.5, so it’s not necessarily an apples-to-apples comparison). With nothing different between them other than their version numbers, the fact that it works on 6.6 and not on 6.7 raises questions. I tried them running independently, and also both at the same time – and it’s repeatable on my end.
Thanks for checking – hopefully Oliver or Peter will see this and post something on Monday…
@stantastic Please, can you send a full crashlog via email to Peter?
Hi everybody,
Stil investigating the issue. It has to do with rendering missing slide previews (which are needed by the teleprompter). Not sure yet, what the cause of the bug is, but in the meantime you can use the following workaround: Open the document and perform a full save (Cmd-Option-S). This will force rendering of all previews, fullscreen playback should proceed without a hitch after that.
Thanks, Peter – I discovered this yesterday and sent you a PM in response to what I found as a workaround on my end.
Hi, Peter – sorry to say the new version DIDN’T WORK and still has an issue regarding this problem 
Installed the updated FM 6.7.1 as it was supposed to fix this issue, but it didn’t help. What appears to happen – now – is when Play Fullscreen is selected, it sits there not seemingly doing anything after waiting a good minute. When I pressed the Play button from the dialog box a SECOND time, it DID start to play full screen after waiting some period of time (rather than crashing as 6.7 did), but once the show started playing and I pressed the Esc key to go back to the app, my entire screen went black, and there was no way to get control of it. I couldn’t even try a Force Quit since the Force Quit window wouldn’t show up. Nothing but black – no keys or mouse button did anything. I had to physically shut down the computer and do a restart. I tried this three times and got the same result. I even discovered that once the show ended and it would normally just go back into the app, it did not go back this time but just displayed a black screen. And again, trying to hit Esc didn’t do anything, so again I had to do a hard shut down and restart.
I then took the same show, opened it in 6.7.1, did an immediate Save As… and created a copy (which was also the workaround in 6.7), closed the show, then opened the copy. Fullscreen playback then worked correctly, and pressing the Esc key sent me back into the application as expected.
This sounds like the issue is dependent on data in your slideshow. In order to reproduce it on our end, could you please send us your slideshow for inspection?
Hi, Achim – I sent the file to Peter’s e-mail address via WeTransfer. Had some trouble on the first upload attempt (it hung up at 94%). I tried it again, walked away, and I “think” it transferred okay. Let me know if it didn’t come across completely or correctly. Thanks…
Hi Stan,
I did reproduce the behaviour you described with your Scotland slideshow. Here’s what happened:
After the first time you pressed Play, FotoMagico went off to render the missing slide previews in the background. Since this can take a while (and there is currently no visual feedback via a progress bar), you assumed nothing was happening and started fullscreen playback a second time. This essentially caused two fullscreen playbacks to be started on top of each other. Pressing the ESC key, caused the topmost to be stopped, but after that FotoMagigo got stuck and stopping the second one is no longer possible.
The workaround for the current version 6.7.1 is to just be patient until fullscreen playback starts - do not start it a second time.
I will fix this bug for version 6.7.2. I will add some progress feedback that background preparation work is happening before fullscreen playback starts, and I will make sure that playback cannot be started a second time.
Hi, Peter – thanks
I was thinking that might be the issue, but as you wrote, without a progress bar it’s difficult to know if anything is happening or not, and just how long should you wait?
Thanks for determining the problem – AND – for considering a helpful solution to the issue 
Then again, this only seems to affect older shows saved from previous versions of FM – and a simple Save As… updates the thumbnails (I only spotted this since we’re presenting an old slide show soon that hasn’t been shown in years – and you can tell the show I sent you was created back in 2013!)
Issue resolved in FM 6.7.2 – thanks, Peter 
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