Feature requests (from someone who came from Tricaster)

I have recently started using mimoLive and I think it’s great. There are a couple of features that would make it even better.

  1. Set in and out playback range in the Media Playlist. I know you can do this per Media File, but it would be convenient if you could also do it per file in the Media Playlist.

  2. Similarly, it would be really great if you could change the playback speed of both Media Files and files in the Media Playlist.

  3. It would also be cool if you could scrub through files in the Media Playlist, because it would make it easier to return to a specific spot.

  4. It would be excellent if you could change the resolution size per output. This way I could have one layer outputting to a monitor but in 9:16 while the rest of the project remained in 16:9.

  5. It would be convenient if you could organise the layer stack with subheadings or something, to make organisation a little simpler. Also if you could collapse sections of the layer stack. Would make it easier for projects with lots of layers.

Hi @graceghq Thanks for using mimoLive and for the feature requests. We appreciate the point of view of users who come to mimoLive from other systems.

Can I ask you what you are using the Playlist for? I’d like to understand why those features are important to that use case.

  1. It would be excellent if you could change the resolution size per output. This way I could have one layer outputting to a monitor but in 9:16 while the rest of the project remained in 16:9.

The way to do this is to use a second mimoLive document with the resolution set to 9:16. This allows you to create a completely custom layer stack using the same video sources. If you want, you can send the video from one document to the other via Syphon and the audio using the new virtual audio devices.

  1. It would be convenient if you could organise the layer stack with subheadings or something, to make organisation a little simpler. Also if you could collapse sections of the layer stack. Would make it easier for projects with lots of layers.

This is on our wish-list. Right now, Layers can be color coded to visually group them into logical groups.

Have you considered using Layer Variants? If there are a large number of layers of similar type that do not need to be visible at the same time, Layer Variants can help to reduce the number of layers and help to better organise a document.

The events I work are full day events with broadcast up to 12 hours a day. These events often require recording large sections of the show to play back in the quieter times of the day. For example, one such event is a motorsports event that includes burnouts. Each burnout performance goes for up to 3 minutes at a time. They get recorded and played back during the down time or in subsequent days of the event. It is convenient to quickly make playlists, adjust the in and out points of the files, change the playback speed and be able to scrub through files within a playlist.

All of these were features on Tricaster. It would be great if the Media Playlist function on mimoLive was this versatile.

As for the point about outputting to a different resolution, I saw another thread where you said to open another mimoLive document to do it, but you cautioned doing it due to memory requirements. So I was thinking it would be better if this was just possible from within one document.