Fade transition

I’ve tried to like FM over the years but there always seems to be a fly in the ointment and I end up going back to Keynote. This time my presentation vision was to show a series of images that ‘pulsed’ in rhythm with the soundtrack. In other words I wanted an instant full reveal and then after virtually no time lapse the image would fade, say over three seconds, with the next image suddenly appearing as if a cut transition had occurred at the end of the fade. I am able to achieve exactly the desired effect on the first slide. But as soon as I add a second slide, since the structure of the fade transition is fade down / fade up, the pulse effect is lost. Is there some control aspect or combination of settings I’m missing, or am I just asking to much of the program?

Is a “Fade Out” transition what you are looking for? We will take this as a feature request!

Meanwhile you can create this effect as follows:

  • Add the first slide. Set it to duration “0” and Transition “cut”

  • Add a blank slide. Set it to duration “3” and Transition “dissolve” with duration “3”

  • Add the second slide. Set it to duration “0” and Transition “cut”

  • Add a blank slide. Set it to duration “3” and Transition “dissolve” with duration “3”

And so on.

I hope you will find your love for FotoMagico again! :slight_smile: