Fade in/out mimoLive layers volume using Keyboard Maestro

Hello! I wrote a Keyboard Maestro macro to fade in/out mimoLive layers volumes.

Short demo: https://youtu.be/My_6HcoCrjI
mimoLive document: download
Keyboard Maestro macro: download

To call the macro you need to enable Keyboard Maestro web server and to use a mimoLive automation layer with the following syntax:

httpRequest(http://[keyboard_maestro_webserver_ip]:[keyboard_maestro_webserver_port]/action.html?macro=[macroUUID]&value=[layer_API_endpoint];[fade_duration_in_seconds];[‘fadein’ or ‘fadeout’])



I did not extensively test it, so any feedback is more than welcome.


That’s an amazing idea! I cannot test it, I do not have a copy of Keyboard Maestro.

You can download a free trial, if you want. I’m sure you won’t regret it.


I tried to install it. It failed. I granted rights for accessibility, but I do not get rid of the missing user rights warning. Even after a reboot. For me it does not work. (Maybe other security setings do prevent it from running. Due to my policy I’m not allowed to use it.)

I setup a Webhook in ProPresenter and this calls Keyboard Maestro over a URL - not over the Web - and in KM I have a logic to call the different Layers in MimoLive

I’d need http://ip:8989/v1/documentID/?shortcut[]=K&shortcut[]=L&shortcut[]=M&shortcut[]=SHIFT+Z

Different instances of mimoLive on different computers. Or more instances on the same computer. The Array/Dictionary of shortcut[] contains this, what sould be pressed simultaneously by mimoLive. Like atomar switching.