Facebook Comments been lost after 60min

We use a the Comment Layer with a YT & FB Account. I drop the Video ID from the facbookstream in the FB Social media Source and all works fine but after ca. 60min no new comments show up and when i refresh the social Media source the Video ID goes red and won’t be able anymore. We stream via hardware IO to our own infrastructure not with mimolive. The FB page is a company site and i’m a administrator of this site with all rights.

Still in 5.7. the same.

Is it always after 60 minutes? This sounds like a bug in Facebook to me as we don’t have any restrictions on a “hourly base”.

Hey Achim
Its the same as it ever was.
Ive tried to connect with an extra LTE Router instad iphone thethering. Works only once for 1,5hrs.
Next two times breakup after 15min or. 20min. I erase the fb account in mimo. Delete the Mimo permissions in FB Buisness Manager in time of the ongoing show. Than wait for 5 minutes and setup the FB account again - all Permissions ok. - but no luck. Social Media Source shows waiting for connection, not show the live event. If i try to put the Video ID manualy it goes immediately red. YT still works flawless.

Setup all new before start. After 10min FB stops displaying.

Try this week with another FB account same problem. After 12-15min stops displaying comments same errorcode.

Hi @JoeS We think we have identified the cause for this and there is a fix in the works which should be in the next beta (5.9b4). I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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Great this is also a problem i encounter, i will like to make a request for a comments refresh button or option when streaming from mimolive because the comments normally crash and stop bringing in new comments for me. it happens very frequent with me. I have never gotten the comments from the social media source to work for me, ever.

also is it possible to get the more options with the comments layer… the single comments layer works well since we can select which comment to show up… however the comments layer brings up alll the comments that come in… the good and the bad. also if i disable to comments layer there is no way to get the comments that came in after i disabled the layer up on screen only the ones that come in after i enable the layer again.

The comments layer also needs to be looked at because if i change the size of the box or change the font size, only the new comments will be affected not the ones that were there on screen before the change.

Now in 5.9 the FB comment feed seems to be stable for longer but only my own comments (or the side i administrated) was picked up and show in the Layer. This behavior make the feature for most cases useless.

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i Concur. Please do something guys.