Hello. I need to know how to deactivate the license of my mimoLive; A couple of months ago I sold my computer and due to an oversight I forgot to deactivate the licenses for mimoLive and Lower Thirds Pack 1 that I had activated; I have asked Technical Support for help and they have given me a link to install the new license, unfortunately I can verify that the previous license is still active.
@Oliver_Boinx I have requested help by various methods for my matter but nobody gives me a valid answer and now it gives me to think that the licenses do not have any type of control for their personal use, being so, I do not see the need to continue renewing the service annually anymore that apparently the licenses will not cease to be active and can be freely shared. I hope I am wrong about it.
My licence expired and it stopped working :). Deactivating a licence is fairly easy… go to the mimoLive menu (next to apple menu)… select licences… the licences window opens… select the licence you wish to deactivate and click the “-” (minus) button in the bottom left of the window… done.
@Kebbel thanks for the reply; my case is different as I explain it at the beginning. I sold my computer and forgot to deactivate the licenses, now the person to whom I sold the computer is giving use of my license; I thought they could deactivate and leave the license inactive, but in Technical Support they have only sent me answers without giving a solution to the deactivation of the previous license and so I wonder if mimoLive really has control of the licenses? It is necessary to renew the service annually since their licenses will not be active.
@Oliver_Boinx, thank you for the clarification, and I look forward to solving the perch.