When I insert a new image into my story board, Photo Magico apparently applies some magic to determine the duration of my new slide. Most often than not, it get’s it wrong, though.
Please put control back into user hands and add a default duration option into your preferences instead of trying to guess and getting it wrong half of the time.
Same goes for the Continue option: For some reason, no heuristic seems to be applied here and new slides always continue “After Duration”, which is really annoying, because most of my slides will need “Interactive”, as I’m preparing a show for live presentation. A default option for new slides in preferences would be great.
The apparent “magic” that FotoMagico uses to determine the duration of new slides can be explained relatively easily – FM uses the last known duration and applies that to new slides (most of the time!).
When you say it’s “trying to guess and getting it wrong half the time” – that implies that it’s getting it CORRECT the other half of the time!!! No? I’m sorta kidding, but there’s really no way FM could know the duration you want for each slide and guess correctly.
It IS rather simple to just select an entire bunch of slides in the Timeline all at once and then set their duration from the Options section. And, you can apply the Continue “Interactive” option in the same manner.
With that being said, I do agree with you – a way to provide that information in the Authoring section of the Settings menu, or in the Slideshow > Settings… menu might be warranted.