Can't remove title border

In a slide show I am working on I have a thin white border around my titles and I cannot get rid of them. This has not happened in the past. Help. Thanks.

Does this happen to a “from scratch” slideshow too?
Please can you provide a screenshot?
Which app version are you running?
Which MacOS?

I am running the latest version of FM and the Mac OS.I took a screenshot, however, I am not sure where it is or how to paste it on this page. I can say that it is a proportional rectangle around the title text. I will try the from scratch slide show.

I just tried a new slide show and it did the same thing.

/Users/Chuck/Desktop/Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 12.46.40 PM.png

Found it, I think.

I found the screenshot. I’m not sure of how to post it on this forum. I have not found a solution to eliminating the border around my titles. Any help would be appreciated.