Cannot login to FotoMagico after subscription extension or update


My subscription was automatically extended on Feb 11.
When I want to login, I get the following error:

Could you please help solving this issue? I don’t know if this is because of an update.


Hi @BaudryB I’m very sorry about the troubles. Are you by chance using “Login with Facebook”?

Hi, thanks for the swift reply. No, I’m not using login with Facebook but just my own email address.

I’m working with a Mac Powerbook M2 Max with 96 Mb of memory and Sonoma version 14.3.1

It is working in demo mode, but I cannot login.

It seems that our servers might have had an issue with creating the license. Can you please try again?

It works now! Many thanks!

Hi there - similar issue here: I created a presentation on my desktop. Now I wanted to transfer everything to my MBP for the presentation day. But on the MB I can’t sign in. After clicking the login button I get a message “Sorry - No license was found for this Boinx Connect account.”. But I wasn’t even asked for credentials or another method of signing in.

I tried signing in using the Connect menu. But that would simply take me to my profile page on BoinxConnect. But it wouldn’t connect the app.

Hello Michael,

We’re truly sorry to hear about the inconvenience you’ve experienced with our product. We value your time and want to resolve this issue promptly. It appears that there is only a demo license associated with your Apple-provided ‘hide-my-email’ address in our database.

To help us better understand and solve your problem, could you please confirm where you purchased the FotoMagico license? Was it directly from the Mac App Store or through Fastspring? Understanding this will help us track down your license information more efficiently.

Please reach out to me directly at achim(at), and we can address this issue privately to ensure your personal information remains secure. If email isn’t convenient, feel free to suggest an alternative communication method that works best for you.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We’re here to help and look forward to getting you set up for your presentation day.

Hi Achim - thanks for getting back to me so quickly - I only have 26h left to prepare for the presentation :sweat_smile:. Your question about where I purchased the subscription made me go check my mail again. And indeed I did find a mail from Fastspring with a link in it, which would activate my copy! So that’s solved.

What I don’t understand is why it would be using my real email address, for which I don’t have an account with Boinx. Is it possible to activate FotoMagico with an email different from my Boinx Connect account?

I have the same problem today! When I want to renew the license I get the response:
I use a iMac with macOS Monterey 12.7.5
License purchased from the Mac App Store. The license is valid until 2024/07/13

I have licensed FotoMagico monthly but cannot activate it on my Macbook Pro M1
I tried the whole day but always get the Error server response like the others.

@DanS @schmiddies Thank you for reaching out and reporting this. My apologies for the troubles. The server has been restarted and should work again. Can you please try and let me know if it works?