Cannot Create Standalone Player

I am using FM5 running on an iMac with OS Ventura. I successfully created a new slideshow, but cannot create a Standalone Player. I get the following error message:

“Slideshow is damaged & cannot be opened. You should move it to the Trash”.

I never had this issue before. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you so much.

Try this – do a Right-Click on the Standalone Player file you created in FM5, then click on Open in the pop-up menu. Then in the dialog box that appears, click on “Open” again. That should allow the file to play using the Standalone Player (and it should allow the player to work from then on, I believe).

Venture is chock full of hoops you need to go through to get a lot of applications to work correctly, especially in the Privacy and Security section of the System Settings menu. It will often say that applications are damaged, when in truth they work just fine.

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You nailed it! It works as you suggested. I have not had any issues with other applications “not playing well” with Ventura. I’m curious if this issue also applies to creating a Standalone Player in FM6 as well?

Again, thank you so much!

There is no Standalone Player option in the Share… menu per se. The options are YouTube, TV, iPad, iPhone, ProRes and Custom. Slideshows that are saved (using the normal Save or Save As… command) can be opened and played using FM6 WITHOUT paying for a license (I’m almost sure of that). So you need to purchase a license to create a show (per the new pricing structure), but anyone can download the application and use it to watch a show.

Anyone at Boinx can correct me if I’m wrong :wink:

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Hi @stantastic Couldn‘t have said it better. :grinning:

Hi @kitjv thanks for using FotoMagico. Just to add a bit of context to the solution @stantastic posted: Apple has made changes to the security system of MacOS which makes it essentially impossible to create a standalone player. Last time I checked, the workaround Stan posted works on the same machine as you created the standalone player but as far as I know won’t work if you copy the standalone player to a USB drive and move it to another computer. We’re investigating ways to get the functionality back and will restore it as soon as we find a solution that doesn’t require the user to fiddle with the security settings.

@stantastic & Oliver,

Thank you for the thorough response. As a point of information, after following Stan’s workaround, I copied the standalone player to a USB thumb drive & transferred it to my MacBook Air. The slideshow played perfectly fine. However…the caveat might be that I do have FM5 on my MacBook Air. So maybe the slideshow is not playing through the standalone player (as Oliver suggested), but rather through the FM5 application.

Just a question for clarification though. If I create a slideshow using FM6 & want to copy it to a thumb drive to give to my daughter (to play on her Mac), am I able to do this through my monthly subscription or in addition do I need to purchase a license?

Thank you, gentlemen, for your help. I truly appreciate it.

If you create a slideshow using FM6, then you must already have paid for the license. Again, the file you Save to your hard drive (or eventually transfer to a thumb drive for your daughter) is still just a FM file (in other words, what USED TO BE a Standalone file is no longer being created – it is now an .fms file). And THAT file should be playable on your daughter’s computer, as long as she has downloaded and installed the FM6 application (for free). She will NOT be able to create slideshows, but she will be able to watch the show you created for her.

Does that make sense?

Yup, makes sense. Thank you. So based upon the issues between FM5 & MacOS Ventura and the fact that Boinx no longer supports FM5, it looks like I will be upgrading to FM6.

One final question…if I purchase a one month subscription to FM6 in the future & create a new slideshow, will my daughter still be able to play that slideshow from the .fms file evern after my one-month subscription lapses?

There shouldn’t be any time constraint as to her ability to play the slideshow you created. There is no “time limit” built into the FM .fms file. And if all she does is just watch the shows you created, she would still only need to download the FM6 application ONCE, and be able to view the show as many times as she wants.

Excellent. Thank you so much for your help.

A possible solution for your error message with FM5 is to create a new Slideshow. This will help you determine whether the issue lies with the Slideshow or the software itself. If it works, then the issue might have been present in the previous Slideshow, however if you still receive an error message, there may be an issue with FM5.

Also consider checking for updates regarding FM5 and your operating system, as they may fix bug issues and improve performance. To top it off, repairing disk permissions on your iMac can also help resolve this problem.

Thank you so much for the additional information.