I have music that I have purchased a license for to use with my slideshow. The problem I am experiencing is that I need to advance the photos manually as I am discussing the images. The problem is that the music starts over each time I advance to the next photo.
How do I have the music play in the background as I advance through the photos manually?
Not sure if this will solve your problem, but no harm in trying it. There may be some other adjustments you need to make as well.
Right-click on the music track to show a pop-up menu, then select “Options >” and from there un-check “Linked to Slides” and “Locked Timing” – now you can manually advance from one slide to the next while the music continues to play.
Depending on the length of the music AND the time it takes you to discuss the images, you might have a timing issue at the end. You’ll either talk too long and run out of music – or you’ll run out of slides and have music left over. Adjust the end of the audio track to coincide with the end of the slides (or if necessary select Option > Audio Loops to cause the track to play over again).