Adding new features to lower thirds

Wondering if you could add an option for TWO LINE title in the lower thirds category. I’m currently having to use a Layer for the name and a second one for titles. I then combine them with a LS, but it can get clumsy…

In addition a shortcut key to REPEAT LAST ACTION would be helpful when adding new Layer Sets, etc.


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Hi @lorcott Thanks for the suggestion. In a certain way, you can do this already by adding a Return character in the text (Cntrl - Enter). It takes the line height of the font and can look funny at times.

Goal for the future is to have a better text engine with typographic control.

and don’t stop there. How about an option for up to 4 line title. That should take care of any scenario. AND…if every title line has its own attributes, then they will be separate of formatting. :slight_smile:

thanks, i like your suggestion

Hi @Pippy_mon Thanks for your suggestions.

The Lower Third layer already has a separate setting for typography of the first and the second line and the length will automatically adjust to the text entered. Of course, it is prudent to design the look of the Lower Third so that the expected texts fit.