When UPDATE Fotomagico 4.4 in App Store ?

Hi, I buy Fotomagico 4.3 in App Store. In Boinx Software web are Fotomagico 4.4 now. I can`t update till you update Apple Store software and have problems with fotomagico 4.3.1, than resolve in 4.4. You update 1 mounth ago your web site, but… the others buyers (all the guys than buy in App Store) what happens ?.. Please update as soon as possible App Store. Thanks

Forane - I updated mine yesterday. In Fotomagico, go to Fotomagico Button at top left of screen - press software updates and it should show up there.

@forane: Apple needs some time to review the app before it gets approved for download via the Mac AppStore. @jenny_lyn talks about the download version from our website, this is already available. Please be patience while Apple makes sure that FotoMagico is release-worthy. We expect this within the next few days. Sorry for this inconvenience.