Use Boinx in a cinema (with trailer, commercials, pause, pause music etc)

Hello Boinx community

We are a non-commercial organization and regularly run films. We now only use a DVD player for this. From now on, we want to show a trailer + commercials before the film, and pause halfway through the film (with a counter, for example).

I think this is possible with Boinx/Mimolive, but I can’t make ‘scripts’ (so: first media 1, then media 2, then pause). I also cannot find this in the manual and the tutorials.

Is this possible, and if so how?



PS Also tried to install BoinxTV on my iMac, but that only causes crashes, so stopped trying.

Hi Mario, I’m happy to hear about your interest in mimoLive.

For full automation, you could write shell scripts and use the http API built into mimoLive to control mimoLive.

A sort of semi-automation is possible using the Media Playlist source ( You could set up lists of files to be played before, in the break and after the film. Then, you can use the keyboard; the remote controls on an iPhone, iPad or Android tablet; or an X-keys keyboard to start the playout of the three “parts”.

Hello Oliver,

Thanks for your (very rapid) reply. I’ll try the Media Playlist (been trying it yesterday, couldn’t figure out whether it was the right option for me).
