Please Update on Facebook and Youtube Comments

I noticed that you guys rebuild the Social Media Stuff in mimolive.
Could you give me an brief overview about what is now possilble and what ist not?

Are the Coments Layers working again ?

Do i still need to stream via the FB/YT API in order to have comments or is this also possible via RTMP?

Is the new implmetation of FB/YT working with older Documents ?

Is it possible to have multiple Social Media Sources ?

@Raintrader Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in mimoLive!

Are the Coments Layers working again ?

Yes. Facebook has finally granted us permission to do this again.

Do i still need to stream via the FB/YT API in order to have comments or is this also possible via RTMP?

You can access comments without streaming from mimoLive. This works via the FB API, so you need to log in to FB with an account that has access to the page that you stream to in order to get the comments.

Is the new implmetation of FB/YT working with older Documents ?

Yes, it is working with older documents.

Is it possible to have multiple Social Media Sources ?


I notice that the comments completely stop coming in (in the comments window on the application) around 50 mins of streaming

@“where is danny black” Thank you for your feedback. This is being addressed in the current beta version.

@“where is danny black” Please let me know if it works for you in mimoLive 4.4.

I am not able to see comments in the comments window. How might I troubleshoot this?

@“X Oriente” Please let me know:

  1. Are you using mimoLive 4.4?
  2. Are you streaming to Facebook or YouTube from mimoLive using a Live Streaming output destination?
  3. Are you streaming to a Facebook Page, Group or to your personal profile?

Thanks for answering those questions which will help us to diagnose the issue.