Missing media files in Fotomagico 6

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I almost have every day the same problem when I would like to work on my project.I’m getting the error message “Missing media files” First I had the impression that it the problem will be caused as I’m taking the pictures from the photos library, nope. Sound files on the hard disk are also missing.

Looks like this is a general problem?

Using the assistent ro restore the missing files is also not working pretty well. What the hell should I know where the files are with this hieroglyphic description.

I admit up front that this is NOT the answer to your problem, but only a suggestion. And I also know that some people do NOT like this type of process for developing a slideshow. BUT – it ALWAYS works for me, and so I continue to use it. Create a folder on your hard drive where you would like to create your project, and then COPY ALL of your media files (photos, movies, music, etc.) into THAT folder. You would then drag that folder into the image/videos/audio browser on the right so FM can find all of the resources it needs. Save your project into THAT folder as well. It also becomes an easy way to move your project around on your hard drive, save it fully to a backup drive, or even transfer it to another computer if needed, since everything is in one place.

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