mimoLive 2.8b4: Introducing mimoCall

        <div class="EmbeddedContent"><strong>mimoLive 2.8b4: Introducing mimoCall</strong>
           <p><p>Let's talk! mimoLive 2.8 introduces a new feature called mimoCall. This makes it incredibly easy to conduct live interviews, host a discussion panel or send a reporter into the field. Just set up a mimoCall source, send the other party the mimoCall invite link and have them instantly connected into your mimoLive. The other party requires nothing but a Chrome browser. We are also developing an iOS mimoCall client app.</p>  <p>Download mimoLIve 2.8b4 to try mimoCall and let us know what you think.</p>  <p><a href="https://boinx.com/connect/mimolive/versionhistory/2.8b4" class="button">Download mimoLive 2.8b4...</a></p></p>
           <p><a href="https://boinx.com/connect/mimolive/news/mimolive-2-8b2-introducing-mimocall">Read the full story here</a></p>
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Please,i can’t hear the audio of the person that i am interviewing. can you help me solved this problem? thank you

@“Milton Cesar Ferlin Moura” Thanks for trying mimoCall!

Follow this recipe to set up audio:

  • Put an audio only layer for each correspondent into the layer stack.
  • Assign the mimoCall source to the audio only layer and turn it to “Live”.
  • Use the “Monitor” audio for yourself. In order to avoid audio feedback and not to hear yourself, you’ll need to use the “Configure Monitor Mix” from the cogwheel menu to the left of the Monitor audio meter and mute the layer that has your own audio.

You’ll find a more detailed description including screenshots at http://docs.mimo.live/docs/mimocall

Let me know if this helps.

@Oliver, Thanks.
Yes, It helped a lot.