Any tutorials on organization, or tips for setting up a template for a repeating show?

Boinx has many tutorials about specific features, but I’m searching for tutorials or discussions about how users are organizing their show content, especially in terms of building a formula for re-usability. Obviously everyone is different, but there must be useful suggestions that people have discovered.

At the moment, I’m most interested in how users are organizing temporary “news” content – that is, content that needs to be replaced every episode, but that might follow a presentation formula. Anything from scripts to onscreen text to infographics.

Thank you! Any tips are appreciated.

Hi !

I’m not a professionnal so may be my help will not be really usefull but I’ll give you my point of view>

So for News, I personnaly do my own layers, but another way I used, was to create in a specific folder differents pictures with generic names (such as “news1.jpg”, “news2.jpg” etc…) that I link to mimoLive, and after I just replace the pictures each time by the good one (by photoshop for me).
It just to save time for the pictures, for titles I don’t know as now I use XML files in my layers :slight_smile:

Hope I can help you :wink:

@DaBv how do you do that with the images? I tried doing something similar but found that MimoLive kept the old image instead of the new one. How do you get Mimolive to refresh to use the new image?

@chris In your sources, click on the image, and choose “Absolute Path” instead of “Copied into Document” :wink: