3D effect in main overview page

The slideshow on the front page shows a slight 3D effect on the surfer image. Was this done in Fotomagico 4? If so, how? Am interested to upgrade, will certainly do it if I can see how this is done!



FM4 has the ability to accept .png files, which happen to allow for transparencies!! FM3 does not. Nor does FM3 allow for multiple layers.

So, what you’re looking at is a background layer consisting of the waves. The layer in front of that is of the surfer, with some extra “splash” along the edges of the surfboard, etc. If you were to load the surfer layer into any application that lets you work with .png files (Photoshop, for instance), you’ll see the “background” of the surfer is transparent. When you place the surfer on top of the waves behind it, it looks like he’s “superimposed” on the waves in the background. Zoom the surfer layer a bit, or pan that layer a bit, and you have the illusion of him surfing over the water.

The “Panorama” shot, earlier on in the demo slide show, is done the same way – multiple layers of mountains, each a .png file with transparent background where “nothing” is to appear, then placed on top of the other, and each moving (panning) at a different rate. Wherever there’s transparency, the image layer behind shows through.

It’s a fantastic way to get creative in your slide shows, and it can’t be done in the older FotoMagico 3. But, of course, it does take some Photoshop editing skills on your part :slight_smile: (masking, area selection, etc.)